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Ausgewählte Publikationen 2020

Baumgartner J, Litvan Z, Koch M, Hinterbuchinger B, Friedrich F, Baumann L, Mossaheb N (2020) Metacognitive beliefs in individuals at risk for psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of sex differences. Neuropsychiatrie, 34(3):108–115

Fugger G, Waldhör T, Hinterbuchinger B, Pruckner N, König D, Gmeiner A, Vyssoki S, Vyssoki B, Fellinger M (2020) Pattern of inpatient care for depression: an analysis of 232,289 admissions. BMC Psychiatry. 202020:375

Hinterbuchinger B, König D, Gmeiner A, Listabarth S, Fellinger M, Thenius C, Baumgartner JS, Vyssoki S, Waldhoer T, Vyssoki B, Pruckner N (2020) Seasonality in schizophrenia-An analysis of a nationwide registry with 110,735 hospital admissions. European Psychiatry, 63(1):e55

Listabarth S, Vyssoki B, Glahn A, Gmeiner A, Pruckner N, Vyssoki S, Wippel A, Waldhoer T, König D (2020) The effect of sex on suicide risk during and after psychiatric inpatient care in 12 countries-An ecological study. European Psychiatry 63(1):e85.

Gmeiner A, Gaglia A, Habicher S, Rumpold T, Süßenbacher S, Schrank B, Amering M (2020) Power to the voice hearer - The German version of the voice power differential scale. PLoS One. 2020 Mar 26;15(3):e0230778

Listabarth S, Vyssoki B, Waldhoer T, Gmeiner A, Vyssoki S, Wippel A, Blüml V, Gruber M, König D (2020) Hazardous alcohol consumption among older adults: A comprehensive and multi-national analysis of predictive factors in 13,351 individuals. Eur Psychiatry. 2020 Dec 21;64(1):e4

Listabarth S, Gmeiner A, Pruckner N, Vyssoki S, Wippel A, König D (2020) When demand exceeds supply: Liver transplantation due to alcohol use disorder in Austria. Neuropsychiatr. 2020 Dec;34(4):157-163

Listabarth S, König D, Wippel A, Pruckner N, Castillo DM, Vyssoki S, Gmeiner A (2020) Herausforderung Abstinenz – Fallbericht und Übersicht zur Therapie von Alkoholabhängigkeit bei Schwangerschaft. Neuropsychiatr. 2020 Dec;34(4):171-174

Gruber M, König D, Holzhäuser J, Castillo DM, Blüml V, Jahn R, Leser C, Werneck-Rohrer S, Werneck H (2020) Parental feeding practices and the relationship with parents in female adolescents and young adults with eating disorders: A case control study. PLoS One.15(11):e0242518

Gruber M, Doering S, Blüml V (2020) Personality functioning in anxiety disorders. Curr Opin Psychiatry. 33(1):62-69

Miller-Reiter E, Kaltenboeck A, Wancata J (2020) The Austrian Perspective on the COVID-19 Outbreak through a Social Psychiatric Lens. World Social Psychiatry 2020, 2:112-114

Kaltenboeck A (2020) The Need for Social Psychiatry Research on the Current COVID-19 Crisis. World Social Psychiatry, 2(2):169

Kautzky A, Vanicek T, Philippe P, Kranz GS, Wadsak W, Mitterhauser M, Hartmann A, Hahn A, Hacker M, Rujescu D, Kasper S, Lanzenberger R (2020) Machine learning classification of ADHD and HC by multimodal serotonergic data. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Apr 7;10(1):104

Fabbri C, Kasper S, Kautzky A, Zohar J, Souery D, Montgomery S, Albani D, Forloni G, Ferentinos P, Rujescu D, Mendlewicz J, Uher R, Lewis CM, Serretti A (2020) A polygenic predictor of treatment-resistant depression using whole exome sequencing and genome-wide genotyping. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 Feb 3;10(1):50

Beiglböck H, Kautzky A, Fellinger P, Ranzenberger-Haider T, Itariu B, Wrba T, Prager G, Kautzky-Willer A, Wolf P, Krebs M. (2020) Psychopharmacological Medication Has No Influence on Vitamin Status After Bariatric Surgery in Long-term Follow-up. Obes Surg. 2020 Oct;30(10):3753-3760

Deischinger C, Dervic E, Leutner M, Kosi-Trebotic L, Klimek P, Kautzky A, Kautzky-Willer A (2020) Diabetes mellitus is associated with a higher risk for major depressive disorder in women than in men. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020 Sep;8(1):e001430

Hinterbuchinger B, König D, Fellinger M, Baumgartner J, Gmeiner A, Vyssoki S, Waldhör T, Vyssoki B, Pruckner N (2020) Seasonality in schizophrenia—An analysis of a nationwide registry with 110,735 hospital admissions. European Psychiatry 11:1-15

Kitta A, Wippel A, Richwien P, Prager G, Adamidis F, Masel EK, König D, Ossege M, Berger P (2020) Using clonidine in the treatment of tizanidine abuse and withdrawal: a case report of a patient with somatoform pain disorder. Journal of Substance Use, 25,5:535-537

Listabarth S, König D, Vyssoki B, Hametner S (2020) Does thiamine protect the brain from iron overload and alcohol-related dementia? Alzheimers Dement. 2020 Nov;16(11):1591-1595

Hadar H, Zhang H, Phillips LJ, Amminger GP, Berger GE, Chen EYH, de Haan L, Hartmann JA, Hickie IB, Lavoie S, Markulev C, McGorry PD, Mossaheb N, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Riecher-Rössler A, Schäfer MR, Schlögelhofer M, Smesny S, Thompson A , Verma A, Yuen HP, Yung AR, Nelson B (2020) Do schizotypal or borderline personality disorders predict onset of psychotic disorder or persistent attenuated psychotic symptoms in patients at high clinical risk? Schizophr Res 2020 Jun;220:275-277

Mallawaarachchi SR, Amminger GP, Farhall J, Bolt LK, Nelson B, Yuen HP, McGorry PD, Markulev C, Schäfer MR, Mossaheb N, Schlögelhofer M, Smesny S, Hickie IB, Berger GE, Chen EYH, de Haan L, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Riecher-Rössler A, Verma S, Thompson A, Yung AR, Allott KA (2020) Cognitive functioning in ultra-high risk for psychosis individuals with and without depression: Secondary analysis of findings from the NEURAPRO randomized clinical trial. Schizophr Res. 2020 Apr;218:48-54

Weidenauer A, Bauer M, Sauerzopf U, Bartova L, Nics L, Pfaff S, Philippe C, Berroterán-Infante N, Pichler V, Meyer BM, Rabl U, Sezen P, Cumming P, Stimpfl T, Sitte HH, Lanzenberger R, Mossaheb N, Zimprich A, Rusjan P, Dorffner G, Mitterhauser M, Hacker M, Pezawas L, Kasper S, Wadsak W, Praschak-Rieder N, Willeit M (2020) On the relationship of first-episode psychosis to the amphetamine-sensitized state: a dopamine D 2/3 receptor agonist radioligand study. Transl Psychiatr. 2020 Jan 8;10(1):2

Youn S, Phillips LJ, Amminger GP, Berger G, Chen EYH, de Haan L, Hartmann JA, Hickie IB, Lavoie S, Markulev C, McGorry PD, Mossaheb N, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Riecher-Rössler A, Schäfer MR, Schlögelhofer M, Smesny S, Thompson A, Verma S, Yuen HP, Yung AR, Nelson B (2020) Basic symptoms in young people at ultra-high risk of psychosis: Association with clinical characteristics and outcomes. Schizophr Res. 2020 Feb;216:255-261

Hartmann JA, Schmidt SJ, McGorry PD, Berger M, Berger GE, Chen EYH, de Haan L, Hickie IB, Lavoie S, Markulev C, Mossaheb N, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Polari A, Riecher-Rössler A, Schäfer MR, Schlögelhofer M, Smesny S, Thompson A, Verma SK, Yuen HP, Yung AR, Amminger GP, Nelson B (2020) Trajectories of symptom severity and functioning over a three-year period in a psychosis high-risk sample: A secondary analysis of the Neurapro trial. Behav Res Ther. 2020 Jan;124:103527

Amminger GP, Nelson B, Markulev C, Yuen HP, Schäfer MR, Berger M, Mossaheb N, Schlögelhofer M, Smesny S, Hickie IB, Berger GE, Chen EYH, de Haan L, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Riecher-Rössler A, Verma S, Thompson A, Yung AR, McGorry PD (2020) The NEURAPRO Biomarker Analysis: Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids Improve 6-Month and 12-Month Outcomes in Youths at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis. Biol Psychiatry. 2020 Feb 1;87(3):243-252

Sachs G, Berg A, Jagsch R, Lenz G, Erfurth A (2020) Predictors of Functional Outcome in Patients with Bipolar Disorder: Effects of Cognitive Psychoeducational Group Therapy After 12 Months. Front Psychiatry 11, 20: 530026

Tognin S, van Hell HH, Merritt K, Winter-van Rossum I, Bossong MG, Kempton MJ, Modinos G, Fusar-Poli P, Mechelli A, Dazzan P, Maat A, de Haan L, Crespo-Facorro B, Glenthøj B, Lawrie SM, McDonald C, Gruber O, van Amelsvoort T, Arango C, Kircher T, Nelson B, Galderisi S, Bressan R, Kwon JS, Weiser M, Mizrahi R, Sachs G, Maatz A, Kahn R, McGuire P; PSYSCAN Consortium (2020) Towards Precision Medicine in Psychosis: Benefits and Challenges of Multimodal Multicenter Studies-PSYSCAN: Translating Neuroimaging Findings From Research into Clinical Practice. Schizophr Bull. 2020 Feb 26;46(2):432-441

Modinos G, Kempton MJ, Tognin S, Calem M, Porffy L, Antoniades M, Mason A, Azis M, Allen P, Nelson B, McGorry P, Pantelis C, Riecher-Rössler A, Borgwardt S, Bressan R, Barrantes-Vidal N, Krebs MO, Nordentoft M, Glenthøj B, Ruhrmann S, Sachs G, Rutten B, van Os J, de Haan L, Velthorst E, van der Gaag M, Valmaggia LR, McGuire P, EU-GEI High Risk Study Group (2020) Association of Adverse Outcomes With Emotion Processing and Its Neural Substrate in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. JAMA Psychiatry. 2020 Feb 1;77(2):190-200

Tognin S, Catalan A, Modinos G, Kempton MJ, Bilbao A, Nelson B, Pantelis C, Riecher-Rössler A, Bressan R, Barrantes-Vidal N, Krebs MO, Nordentoft M, Ruhrmann S, Sachs G, Rutten BPF, van Os J, de Haan L, van der Gaag M; EU-GEI High Risk Study; McGuire P, Valmaggia LR (2020) Emotion Recognition and Adverse Childhood Experiences in Individuals at Clinical High Risk of Psychosis. Schizophr Bull. 2020 Jul 8;46(4):823-833

Kizilhan JI, Wenzel T (2020) Positive psychotherapy in the treatment of traumatised Yezidi survivors of sexualised violence and genocide, International Review of Psychiatry, 32(7-8):594-605

Ozlu-Erkilic Z, Wenzel T, Kothgassner O, Akkaya-Kalayci T (2020) Transcultural Differences in Risk Factors and in Triggering Reasons of Suicidal and Self-Harming Behaviour in Young People with and without a Migration Background. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(18):6498

Wenzel T, Alksiri R, den Otter J, Mirzaei S (2020) Special challenges related to persecution and imprisonment for Woman in Syria – aspects of neglected problems in the support of survivors ARCH Women Health Care 3 (1): 1-3

Łaszewska A, Wancata J, Jahn R, Simon J (2020) The excess economic burden of mental disorders: findings from a cross-sectional prevalence survey in Austria. Eur J Health Econ 21, 1075–1089

Wasserman D, Apter G, Baeken C, Bailey S, Balazs J, Bec C, Bienkowski P, Bobes J, Ortiz MFB, Brunn H, Bôke Ö, Camilleri N, Carpiniello B, Chihai J, Chkonia E, Courtet P, Cozman D, David M, Dom G, Esanu A, Falkai P, Flannery W, Gasparyan K, Gerlinger G, Gorwood P, Gudmundsson O, Hanon C, Heinz A, Dos Santos MJH, Hedlund A, Ismayilov F, Ismayilov N, Isometsä ET, Izakova L, Kleinberg A, Kurimay T, Reitan SK, Lecic-Tosevski D, Lehmets A, Lindberg N, Lundblad KA, Lynch G, Maddock C, Malt UF, Martin L, Martynikhin I, Maruta NO, Matthys F, Mazaliauskiene R, Mihajlovic G, Peles AM, Miklavic V, Mohr P, Ferrandis MM, Musalek M, Neznanov N, Ostorharics-Horvath G, Pajević I, Popova A, Pregelj P, Prinsen E, Rados C, Roig A, Kuzman MR, Samochowiec J, Sartorius N, Savenko Y, Skugarevsky O, Slodecki E, Soghoyan A, Stone DS, Taylor-East R, Terauds E, Tsopelas C, Tudose C, Tyano S, Vallon P, Van der Gaag RJ, Varandas P, Vavrusova L, Voloshyn P, Wancata J, Wise J, Zemishlany Z, Öncü F, Vahip S (2020) Compulsory admissions of patients with mental disorders: State of the art on ethical and legislative aspects in 40 European countries. Eur Psychiatry 2020 Aug 24; 63(1):e82